Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Plus Size Designer Australia Gave The World

The plus size designer Australia is capable of producing is far superior to the ones found anywhere, be it New York, Milan or Paris.  The reasons are not readily apparent but the connotations are there and the underlying tones of the implications are present as well. But why does this appear so? Why is Australia able to stake claim to this accolade while the rest of the nations are falling severely behind.

The answer one would venture to predict is the plus size designer Australia has thus far produced has been able to look beyond all the rhetoric of the fashion industry and focus on the beauty nature has bestowed on the natural women. This has got to be the answer since nowhere else on earth is this materialising.

Once upon a time in history, this plus size designer Australia has produced would have been hailed as pure genius. The times when Johann Sebastian Bach composed chamber music and the air was still clean. Today composers pretend to compose noise that they pass of as music, fashion designers are ill prepared to handle curves so they hail flat surfaces and the air, is well, difficult.

It is this plus size designer Australia has produced is not only a genius but also deserves the gratitude of fathers everywhere. It is this  plus size designer Australia has homegrown that mothers should thank so that their daughters are no longer forced by culture and fashion magazines to change who they are to who they thing the world wants to see.

It has been some time since Romans ruled the world and one aspect that is missing since then is the love of the curves on women. The paintings and frescos of the time depict such beauty and curves fit for goddesses. One can only long for the return of that sort of appreciation. In the event the  plus size designer Australia has cultivated is successful in promoting the plus sizes then maybe we have turned the corner as a society and we are on our way to appreciating beauty the way the Romans did back so long ago.

As a salute to the plus size designer Australia has created, we can only hope that other designers follow suite. In the event they do not, maybe it is up to the consumer to demand it. Maybe its time we heed the call of the  plus size designer Australia has created and loosen our belts a little after dinner tonight.

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