Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Politics Of Curvy Clothing

The landscape of natural beauty has  been placed under a shadow cast by the corridors of power in the world of fashion. The tsunami of negative connotations and belligerent assault onto all that was curvy resulted in the very definition of beauty to be reshaped and straightened to a point where what was once plebeian is now in vogue and that which was alluring is now shunned. With it, curvy clothing had sunk to the depths of obscurity.

Curvy clothing is emblematic of a shape that attracted praise and admiration from the every great master to hold a brush. Even da Vinci's critical eye held beauty to the standard of curves. Want proof? Look at the Mona Lisa. If these aren't curves, well then the Nile isn't long. With the suppression of what was naturally beautiful, it was easy for an industry craving for similarity and uniformity to introduce forms that were easy to design, simpler to manufacture and cheaper to ship. The result - increased profits.

The theme painted by the fate of curvy clothing on the canvas of human civilization is systemic and indicative of what we have done to all things that are good and decent around us in the name of profit. Everything around us that was ince considered beautiful and pure has now been soiled so that one can profit. Take curvy clothing for example, the fitness and fashion industry is measure, not in the millions, not even in the billions. It is measure in the trillions globally. Some countries have national budgets in fractions of these numbers. Fashion is a major factor of the GDP.

The motive of profit has decimated more than just curvy clothes in its pursuit of the all-mighty bottom line. From schools of fish in oceans far away to pollution from non-renewable resources to even the destruction of fresh water supplies has all been attributed to the need of the few to attain profit over the need of the masses to survive.

The curvy clothing saga is but the tip of the ice burg. The seemingly inconsequential treatment, even to the point of something being cruelly sarcastic, has resulted in unthinkable heights of profit. Scaling such peaks was never meant to be part of man's design, intelligent or otherwise. Everyone, needs to throw the brakes on and stop this catastrophic addiction to all things predefined for profit and ask ourselves, what is it we know to be true. Our answer will most invariable always be, curvy clothing and the people who don them are indeed beautiful.

Visit Volupture Australia for more information on plus size clothing.

1 comment:

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